The Rogue Prince of Persia details upcoming update and shows off new skin that changes the prince's color

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By Rita Ora

Evil Empire has announced that big changes are coming to The Rogue Prince of Persia, a game that has been available in Steam Early Access since last May. The new update will be available on November 21 and will feature a generous amount of content accompanied by a change in art direction, including a color change for the prince. It won't be purple anymore. In addition, the title will become available in Spanish among other languages ​​such as German, Japanese or Brazilian Portuguese.

The «big update» that The Rogue Prince of Persia will receive next week adds the Second Act, which includes a design update, more environments, more bosses, a new story chapter, new enemies, qualitative improvements (such as several saved among others) and a long list of bugs fixed. «With this update we will double the content of the game since its initial release,» says Evil Empire. «All the characteristic features of the roguelite are present: loop play, meta-progress, difficulty modifiers and much more.» More content will arrive in 2025.

Watching the trailer that shows a preview of the The Rogue Prince of Persia update, it is obvious that the most obvious change affects the artistic direction, which as Evil Empire explains «has reduced its saturation, greatly increased the details and has 'improved' overall.» You will also see that the prince is no longer purple.» The color change of the protagonist has been made «because the previous color did not fit the new direction.» The development team assures that this new artistic direction «fits much better with the genre of the game, with its setting and with the Prince of Persia saga in general.

With the new content and the change in artistic direction it seems that The Rogue Prince of Persia is looking for a re-release without leaving early access yet. It's not that the game did poorly, at least on Steam the reviews are «very positive», but perhaps the initial sales could have been better. However, these types of games usually have a long history that goes far beyond early access, which Evil Empire knows very well after working for years on Dead Cells. Anyone interested in The Rogue Prince of Persia should know that it will reduce its price coinciding with the launch of the new update.