Tales of Graces f Remastered available, a delivery that stands out for its combat system

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By Rita Ora

As long as Bandai Namco does not announce a new Tales of, players will have to settle for Tales of Graces f Remastered, which is available today for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch and PC through Steam in exchange for 39.99 euros. The original Tales of Graces was developed for Wii and released in 2009 only in Japan, while the version for PlayStation 3 called Tales of Graces f crossed Japanese borders. Unlike these installments, the remaster does include Spanish subtitles.

The story of Tales of Graces f takes place in Ephinea, a world divided into three countries: Windor, Strahta and Fendel. One day Asbel Lhant and his group of friends from Lhant, a town in Windor, befriend an amnesiac girl named Sophie that they find on the outskirts. From this meeting and after a series of events, Asbel Lhant, Sophie and the rest of the group will be dragged into a conflict between the three kingdoms that seek to control the planet. Their journey across Ephinea could determine the fate of the world.

Tales of Graces f's JRPG combat system is called Style Shift Linear Motion and allows you to switch between two styles: offensive and explosive. Switching between battle styles helps reduce the distance to enemies and control the power and range of attacks. The system also rewards staying moving to avoid attacks, while attacking at the right time will open up the chance to maintain the combo and deal maximum damage. Additionally, charging the Accel Mode bar is used to use each character's unique special abilities.

The story and combat system of Tales of Graces f Remastered do not change compared to the original version, so the improvements are found in the graphics section, which has been optimized, and in the introduction of quality of life functions. On the list we have automatic saving, several options to skip cinematics or scenes and the possibility of disabling enemy encounters, both on the map and in dungeons. At the content level, the remaster includes Lineage and Legacy, an add-on that explains what happens six months after the end of the campaign.